Sunday, September 30, 2012


To my readers here if there are any, I also have a youtube page that has a mix of music.

     This is music that has spoken to me at different times in my life. when I was alone at 14 living in the streets, barns, and where ever I could lay my head music kept me sane, songs like " it's a long way to the top if ya want to Rock and roll" by AC/DC, fueled my desire, kept me from just giving up. Has a song ever really change your life? I know many have in my life, as they still do. I am no music expert but I have a very wide and open mind and almost perfect pitch so any type of music that sounds good I will listen to. To me for a song to sound good the more simple the production of the music, with more interest paid to the lyrics and arrangement usually makes for better songs. Take this guy named Seasick Steve  he is playing a broom stick with 2 strings on it and it sounds great. but i also like big productions with large bands but the music must have heart regardless of the type. I listen to everything and I mean everything from Chet Atkins to Slash, from B.B.King to Ozzy, Bach, etc.etc. In my personal collection I have around 1000 albums/Cd's and at least that many more stored on external hard drives Guess you could say I'm a music and Photo nerd now. I express myself in my pictures and writings  and soak in good music I guess to replenish my soul.
        In college I learned many things the 4 years I was at that 2 year school, yea that's right 4 years I double-majored in General education and Mechanical engineering, graduated with an associates in general education and an Auto-cad certification. I had to stop my eduction goals for a bit due to heath reasons but as I was there I really took an interest in psychology, and how it was instrumental in history, the links in music and how people acted when this or that music was played. A few modern examples would be the Dixie Chicks, Toby Keith, Kanya West, I could go on but this is just a small sample of how music can stir emotions but my question I guess is how much. We saw the uproar of the Elvis's girations being blocked out on Ed Sulavan and the Beatles causing such a onslaught of teen girls that police were over come by the mass girl power. Im sure some sex appeal was involved in these cases but without the music no one would have ever know who the hell any of them were.
      Music has turned into a business of greed much like the professional sports of football, baseball,and basket ball. The fans are over charged for tour tickets while the multi- million dollar proformer/athlete crys about royaltys for downloded songs or bigger and bigger contracts. to this i say REALLY WHAT THE.....

Sunday, September 23, 2012

Who is the best person for president?

   In this election year We the people, must make our voices heard. We must demand action in a positive way to build jobs for our people and stop the inaction of congress in their pissing contests. It's time that we take our country back and make it the shining example of democracy it was after WWII. It does not matter who wins the presidential race when the only thing we get is a stalemate and stagnation within the congress. It's time for everyone to say enough is enough. If any of us did our jobs as they have in the past 3 years we would be fired, its time we fire the ones who's only concern has been to oust the president,and have let the real issues that need resolution fall by the wayside. we must be proactive now because our children and grandchildren will be effected by the choices we make now, and our choices are not just about the presidential elections we must start in our states with the people we send to Washington to represent us and we must devise a way to punish those who lie just to win. Obama make the mistake of trusting that after he was elected the congress would do their jobs of compromising to get stuff done, but this didn't happen, and now after 4 years of republican filibustering and stalling to hurt Obama, and then in this election Mitt Romney dismisses those who have paid in to FICA their whole working life just to be told that all that money paid in is now an entitlement, and he doesn't care about these people?  As one of those people who gave everything until my body would not allow me to work anymore because of seven back surgeries, I find it amazing how many people still think Romney is a good choice for president. and Obama a man that has been seen not covering his heart during the national anthem and believes in redistribution of wealth and that is a socialist view that I cant get behind either, so the choice for president to me is a loose / loose situation. We the people must make our choices for representatives and senators very carefully to offset this as soon as we can. I hope that others feel the same way about this as I do, yet I do not wish to offend anyone with my thoughts on this and would like any rational responces to this post as I would really like to know if anyone agrees with me or if not why.

Friday, September 21, 2012

So much for Southern Hospitality

        I know many have heard of southern hospitality and being from the south my self I have seen and applied such a thing, however today I was out doing my photography thing. ( I'm an aspiring freelance photographer see my page) I came along the road and saw a beautiful old barn that had a look i was searching for, and it looked like the owner was in the yard so I thought "I'll stop and asking if I can get some shots of his barn." So I did.
          The response I received caused me to retreat to the public road quickly and I quote. "Hell no you ain't takin any pictures around here, now get off my property." I quickly jumped back in my old truck and high tailed it out of the man's driveway.

    Now this barn was leaning to one side and covered in cudzu so I could not for the life of me figure out why he would react so, but i know enough about redneck old men like me , we carry guns, and I wasn't about to hang around to see if his was bigger than mine.

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Who Am I? WHo Are you?

         I just realized that I started this blog without telling anything about myself. I will rectify that now; My name is Christopher Lee Jones, born October 31,1966 in the town of New Bern, North Carolina U.S.A.I have been married twice once for six years and presently for twenty years. I have three sons two step-daughters, and three grandchildren. I am an American Agnostic mutt (English/Irish/German/Native American) who lives in the bible belt of the south.
      Let's just say, I have not always been excepted by my family,friends,community,etc. I am open-minded but also a very critical thinker, as I analyze everything until I have all the facts that I can gather and only then do I make a decision. Once I do I will defend my position until convinced otherwise.
        In my life I have had many jobs as I dropped out of high school and went into construction at a young age and worked my way up to running million dollar jobs as a general foreman with crew sometimes over 300 people under my supervision. After seven back and neck surgeries due to over work and degenerative disk, I returned to school and got a associates degree in general education and auto cad certifications to try to continue working but to no avail, I was forced to go on disability.
    I now have time to ponder the things that at one time I was too busy to consider, and that is why I started this blog.
     I would like all who wish to contribute to the discussions posted here to feel free because, a lot of these post will be an effort for me to understand our world. To the folks who decide to post only messages of hate you will be blocked, but that at this time is the only reason I will sensor this page.
           Today brings another video that stirs emotions here in our country.
it can be seen at
            Mitt Romney showed his true feelings at this fundraiser and is now trying to back track. The GOP presidential nominee told attendees of this $50,000-a-plate dinner that 47 percent of Americans—those who back President Obama—are "victims" who are "dependent upon government" and "pay no income tax." He noted: "My job is not to worry about those people. I'll never convince them they should take personal responsibility and care for their lives."
        As a person who was paying taxes as an emancipated minor at the age14, worked 30 years paying in FICA with every check I earned and now find myself disabled due to 7 back and neck surgeries that keep me in chronic pain.I fought taking SSI by going back to school and got a associates degree but with insurance I was not hired. I take offence that this man has the nerve to say I haven't taken personal responsibility for my self. How quick these people forget that things like Enron, FreedyMac,Fanny May and other fails in the markets have taken away the effort that some of us did do to be responsible for ourselves, let alone the fact that Social Security is not a handout but payback for a life time of hard work and the money that the government took from our checks every payday,it is not an entitlement.

         I am not a Obama or Romney supporter as I think both of them  are not really committed to making the country better. I believe Washington is broken, The rules and guidelines set forth in the Constitution have been blurred so that the congressional branch is doing the justice branches work by having hearings,instead of doing their job that is making laws to improve our country. Meanwhile the executive branch's only concern is to do just enough to get re-elected, cover up mistakes, and pass the buck to the next president that comes along.
        We as Americans must send a message to Washington with our votes. We must demand that the branches of government return to the jobs that are outlined in the Constitution, stop the self policing of ethics committees,and allow the courts to do their jobs. It is time that those who break the law find justice to be truly blind and no matter what your standing the penalties for such crimes should be the same for everyone.

"By three methods we may learn wisdom: First, by reflection, which is noblest; Second, by imitation, which is easiest; and third by experience, which is the bitterest." Confucius

Monday, September 17, 2012

What the hell?

           What the hell? 
               All this unrest in the middle east over a film? I have to ask...Really?  To kill innocent humans, and not even the humans who made the film that offended, How does this please any god? They blame the whole USA for the actions of a few film makers, why should we not hold their whole country responsible for the deaths in the embassy?  If violence is the only thing that these people understand, I say it is time to unleash our most deadly means of communicating short of a nuclear exclamation point! Or perhaps we should remove all our diplomats, troops and aid from everywhere in the world and close ranks, improve our own infrastructure, and ready ourselves to defend our home, as we seem to have nothing but hate for us in the world. Then we wait to see what happens and who is left. As a wise man once said, "No good deed goes unpunished." How much do we need to be punished before we get it ? It is time we take better care of our own and stop trying to make the world into one big democracy led by the UN.
          I feel this way because the United States and other western countries are not blameless in the middle east crisis as we have played both sides against the middle by publicly backing Israel while at the same time double dealing with Arab countries for oil. This is not a new plan of action ,in fact it started many years ago and once we opened that Pandora's box it has drawn us in deeper and deeper until we are now held hostage by the oil producers of the very countries whose people burn our flags, kill our people and fly plains into our buildings. I say this knowing all Islamic people are not bent on destruction yet much can be said for self policing with-in a group. Its time the Islamic leaders step up and not only denounce the senseless killing that accomplishes nothing but to fuel even more radical actions and reactions that only lead to death, but to also excomunicate these radicals from thier ranks.
           I know many of the radical Islamic extremist say they want a holy war and are pushing it to began but this has always made me wonder..? If an all-powerful god wants a holy war, why would he need a humans help in any way? Perhaps I don't understand as I approach all things with only the basic logic that forty some odd years of life, and a two year degree has allowed me to acquire, but this makes no sense to me. When will common sense that has always transended religion, once again have merit in this world?  One must consider what will happen in the future, the best way to see this is to look in what has happened the past. It is time that we learn from history instead of continuing to learn nothing from it.