Monday, September 17, 2012

What the hell?

           What the hell? 
               All this unrest in the middle east over a film? I have to ask...Really?  To kill innocent humans, and not even the humans who made the film that offended, How does this please any god? They blame the whole USA for the actions of a few film makers, why should we not hold their whole country responsible for the deaths in the embassy?  If violence is the only thing that these people understand, I say it is time to unleash our most deadly means of communicating short of a nuclear exclamation point! Or perhaps we should remove all our diplomats, troops and aid from everywhere in the world and close ranks, improve our own infrastructure, and ready ourselves to defend our home, as we seem to have nothing but hate for us in the world. Then we wait to see what happens and who is left. As a wise man once said, "No good deed goes unpunished." How much do we need to be punished before we get it ? It is time we take better care of our own and stop trying to make the world into one big democracy led by the UN.
          I feel this way because the United States and other western countries are not blameless in the middle east crisis as we have played both sides against the middle by publicly backing Israel while at the same time double dealing with Arab countries for oil. This is not a new plan of action ,in fact it started many years ago and once we opened that Pandora's box it has drawn us in deeper and deeper until we are now held hostage by the oil producers of the very countries whose people burn our flags, kill our people and fly plains into our buildings. I say this knowing all Islamic people are not bent on destruction yet much can be said for self policing with-in a group. Its time the Islamic leaders step up and not only denounce the senseless killing that accomplishes nothing but to fuel even more radical actions and reactions that only lead to death, but to also excomunicate these radicals from thier ranks.
           I know many of the radical Islamic extremist say they want a holy war and are pushing it to began but this has always made me wonder..? If an all-powerful god wants a holy war, why would he need a humans help in any way? Perhaps I don't understand as I approach all things with only the basic logic that forty some odd years of life, and a two year degree has allowed me to acquire, but this makes no sense to me. When will common sense that has always transended religion, once again have merit in this world?  One must consider what will happen in the future, the best way to see this is to look in what has happened the past. It is time that we learn from history instead of continuing to learn nothing from it.

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