Tuesday, September 18, 2012

           Today brings another video that stirs emotions here in our country.
it can be seen at http://www.motherjones.com/politics/2012/09/watch-full-secret-video-private-romney-fundraiser
            Mitt Romney showed his true feelings at this fundraiser and is now trying to back track. The GOP presidential nominee told attendees of this $50,000-a-plate dinner that 47 percent of Americans—those who back President Obama—are "victims" who are "dependent upon government" and "pay no income tax." He noted: "My job is not to worry about those people. I'll never convince them they should take personal responsibility and care for their lives."
        As a person who was paying taxes as an emancipated minor at the age14, worked 30 years paying in FICA with every check I earned and now find myself disabled due to 7 back and neck surgeries that keep me in chronic pain.I fought taking SSI by going back to school and got a associates degree but with insurance I was not hired. I take offence that this man has the nerve to say I haven't taken personal responsibility for my self. How quick these people forget that things like Enron, FreedyMac,Fanny May and other fails in the markets have taken away the effort that some of us did do to be responsible for ourselves, let alone the fact that Social Security is not a handout but payback for a life time of hard work and the money that the government took from our checks every payday,it is not an entitlement.

         I am not a Obama or Romney supporter as I think both of them  are not really committed to making the country better. I believe Washington is broken, The rules and guidelines set forth in the Constitution have been blurred so that the congressional branch is doing the justice branches work by having hearings,instead of doing their job that is making laws to improve our country. Meanwhile the executive branch's only concern is to do just enough to get re-elected, cover up mistakes, and pass the buck to the next president that comes along.
        We as Americans must send a message to Washington with our votes. We must demand that the branches of government return to the jobs that are outlined in the Constitution, stop the self policing of ethics committees,and allow the courts to do their jobs. It is time that those who break the law find justice to be truly blind and no matter what your standing the penalties for such crimes should be the same for everyone.

"By three methods we may learn wisdom: First, by reflection, which is noblest; Second, by imitation, which is easiest; and third by experience, which is the bitterest." Confucius

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